LifeWave Company Overview & Mission: Our mission is to maximize human potential, giving people around the globe the ability to live long and live well. Our technologies offer freedom from pain, natural energy, restful sleep, dramatic anti-aging benefits, and protection from harmful radiation. Our business offers an unparalleled opportunity, freeing yourself from the mundane by taking control of your life and future now.
Lifewave Breakthrough Products in the News: New York Times #1 Best Sellers Breakthrough and Knockout included extensive interviews with LifeWave Founder and CEO David Schmidt, and Sexy Forever prominently featured LifeWave products as part of Suzanne Somers personal recommendations for losing weight and shedding toxins. All three books have introduced millions of people around the world to the LifeWave technology, and Bombshell is expected to make just as big a splash! Lifewave Revolution In Health ! Watch Here.Order Suzanne's Books Here
Lifewave Products and its Breakthrough Product Line: Suzanne was first introduced to LifeWave in 2006. After trying the patches and seeing their effects first hand, she became an avid supporter. In her latest bestseller Knockout , Suzanne says, "I love these patches. They are nondrug and do the job perfectly. I couldn't be without them, and David Schmidt is a genius for creating them." Suzanne Somers has achieved tremendous success in her career, starting as an actress and building a very successful business enterprise. In addition to her work as an actress, she is a singer, comedian, New York Times Best Selling author, and alternative healthcare activist. Watch The Video Below on Lifewave's 9 year History.
Personal Message from Suzanne Somers: My passion is in finding ways to live the healthiest, happiest, longest life possible – and in sharing what I learn. So what have I learned? That there is no one solution to health. For example, a program such as SP6 Complete is only effective if you are making the right diet and exercise choices while you are on it. Living healthy is a way of life, a series of choices we make for our health every day.
About Lifewave: LifeWave patches are new technology for improving health and providing dynamic anti-aging effects. We accomplish this by working with your body, not against it. Remember what it felt like to be young, vibrant and pain free?. This is the way you're supposed to feel, both now and all through your life. This is Lifewave Breakthrough Products. ASK about our 30 Day Risk Free Offer?
What is Glutathione? Glutathione (GSH)The MasterAntioxidant
Did you know glutathione is the most powerful, prevalent antioxidant in your body? Increasing your glutathione level will naturally increase your energy, detoxify your body and strengthen your immune system.* Improved Energy * Pain Relief * Better Sleep * Anti Aging * Weight Loss.
*SPECIAL BONUS OFFER! Whether you are looking for product or business training, there are plenty of opportunities for learning more about using LifeWave products and running an effective LifeWave business. Please fill in the form above and get Suzanne Somers 30 page Bombshell E-Book How to Beat Cancer? sent right to your inbox today!.